
Wednesday 4 December 2019

my poetry

my class did a slid about poetry. my favourite poem is a haiku poem, I like haiku because they are fantastic.

Wednesday 13 November 2019

Thursday 17 October 2019

a poster about holes

WALT summarise chapters in a novel

Wednesday 18 September 2019

climate change how we can help

WALT    write to summarise the text

Monday 16 September 2019

climate change

WALT write to summarise the text

Monday 2 September 2019

A variable

Thursday 29 August 2019

Wednesday 28 August 2019

Monday 26 August 2019

order of operations

WALT Solve algebraic equations

Monday 19 August 2019

video making


Tuesday 30 July 2019

how to make a video

recount On Friday my class made a video on wevideo. We slit up into 6 group, and took lots of little video and download, all of the little video, on to wevideo and from there we made the video.The video my group is about kindness, someone is knocked  out  and someone helps them up simple.
A video does not have to be complicated, just have an idea and make some fun. 

Tuesday 11 June 2019

Friday 31 May 2019

A bouncy egg

Lyric and I made a bouncy egg.
First you put your egg in a jar and full the jar with vinegar and you leave it for 4 days.
As you are waiting you see like skin peeling off it is kind of like your bones.
It was fun and we are going to do it again. Maybe next time we should take the egg out in 3 days.


WALT show our school values duning team building. ( a marshmallow catapult ) 

Today we made a marshmallow catapult, it was hard because the marshmallow were breaking.
 We had to work together as a team and use communication. They values that we used were kindness and responsibility. We use kindness by using kind words to talk to each other. We used responsibility by being responsible and not eating the marshmallow.


Tuesday 28 May 2019

marshmallow tower

today me Max and Jaykahn building a marshmallow and toothpicks tower. I am the serious looken one. to make the tower we had to show our school values.Kia Tika respect and work together.

Friday 17 May 2019

The human heart.

these week my class learnt about the human heart did you know that your heart has two blood siesim one red one blue. I am prod of mystify for going to the teacher went I needed help.

Tuesday 14 May 2019


Thursday 9 May 2019

Digestive systems

W.A.L.T think critically about texts and respond accordingly.


This week, I learnt that you can get stuck in the wild by reading a text about two men who got stuck in the wild and had to survive.

I think it is cool that two men had to survive on rats in the wild because not many people do it.

This week, I'm proud of doing most of my work by myself. I'm also proud of working well with my friends.

The decisions I made this week were really well because I tried to stay on task.

Friday 3 May 2019

your skeleton

WALT think critically about texts and respond accordingly.
Reflection I  did good at my slide What i would do

Wednesday 10 April 2019